The Environmental & the Inflation Reduction Act

Although some may argue it is paradoxically named, The Inflation Reduction Act is set to dramatically impact the landscape of decarbonization in the energy sector. Passed by the U.S. Senate on August 7th via the budget reconciliation process, the legislation is expected to be passed by the House of Representatives as well when they meet […]

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Fossil Fuels v. Renewables- The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth

In 2021, fossil fuels is a phrase that carries negative connotations. In the push for renewable energy, electric cars, ESG, and Green New Deals, the public has indulged themselves with feel-good initiatives, buzz words, and click-bait talking points without taking into consideration the real-world ramifications these plans have. There will always be a strong need […]

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Home Heat Tax

Seattle is making an attempt to move aggressively towards cutting the city emissions.   In September, Mayor Jenny Durkan signed a bill that would tax home heating oil an additional 24 cents per gallon.  This tax would be on top of the existing 10% heating oil tax that currently exists for the residents of Seattle.  This […]

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