Constructing a relationship with Reliance Well Services
Based in Erie, Pennsylvania, Reliance Well Services provides hydraulic fracturing services throughout the Appalachian and Illinois Basins. With the demands of a growing company, the limitations of their existing fleet fuel program became increasingly evident due to inadequate customer support and the absence of tailored perks and discounts.
Out with the old, in with Guttman Energy
A fleet of 50+ demands enhanced support and continuous adaptability. Recognizing the need for a more robust solution, Reliance Well Services discovered that the Guttman Energy approach to customer attention and customizability was the way to success.
Full-Throttle Transformation
Since 2017, Guttman Energy has been dedicated to Reliance Well Services’ success. By adopting a personalized approach to fuel management, Reliance Well Services not only streamlined its expenses but also cultivated a more efficient and tailored solution that contributed significantly to its financial and overall success. Accounts Manager Dee King said, “Matt Reese (the sales representative) had reached out to us for 6 years. During those 6 years, he was persistent, professional, and always ready to answer any questions that we had. Also, during those 6 years, our fleet grew by 8 times. Matt made the transition seamless and has always been there for us when needed.”