Sam has worked in our Tax Department for six years as a Tax Accountant. She is a wonderful asset to the group and continues to grow professional with Guttman.
Degree: BA in Accounting from Washington & Jefferson College
Family information:
“I’ve been married to my husband, Justin, for almost two years. We have two kids: Gabby (11), Max (4) and a baby boy due in August. We also have two dogs: Lola and Sophia.”
What do you like most about your role/job at Guttman/Source One OR what do you like most about working at Guttman/Source One?
“I like my role in the Tax Group because it is never the same day twice. It’s constantly changing and challenging. I also really enjoy working with my team.”
What Core Values speaks to you the most and why?
“Respect: I believe it’s impossible to embody any of the other Core Values without it.”
What is one of your proudest professional accomplishments at Guttman/Source One?
“My growth in general as an employee, specifically this past year after a key team member retired. We’re currently in the process of implementing a new tax software and I’m really looking forward to my role with that.“
What are some favorite business books you have read that you recommend to others?
Personally, I have not read it, but others have recommended “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”
Favorite Quote or Words of Wisdom:
“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” by Buddha
What you or others would say are your greatest strengths:
“I would like to think that others would say one of my greatest strengths is my willingness to help even when I may not have the answer. “
What are your hobbies?
Spending time with family, hiking, and photography