The National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC) recently teamed up with other trucking leaders to discuss concerns of the Biden-Harris U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) team. The virtual meeting included Presidents and CEO’s of trucking federations across the United States.
The round table virtual discussion was focused on the increased safety for both commercial motor vehicles and vehicles used by the public. With many states legalizing the use of marijuana, and the opioid crisis on the rise, the group discussed their support for hair testing and the use of the Federal Motor Safety Administration Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse. The need for an effective solution assisting the trucking industry to identify the “bad actors” on the road.
The industry mentioned the need for 1 million people from urban and rural areas to be hired in the trucking industry. Emission safety was mentioned concerning the technology increases in safety, reduction of the industry’s carbon footprint, and reducing congestion due to increased productivity.
“The meeting was highly productive and displayed a great unity across all of trucking focused on building a positive partnership with the new administration, Streblow concluded. With numerous questions and clear interest from the transition team, NTTC expects further opportunities to address ongoing concerns in the trucking industry.”
To read more about the meeting please visit the website below.