I think we have all been bogged down in COVID-19 related news or news of poor global economics related to commodities, so this blog will be devoted to lighter non coronavirus related topics. Yesterday, for example, was the first round of the NFL draft. It was done via teleconference and quite honestly reminded us that everyone is struggling together to find a new normal. The NFL draft was the first sports related telecast that felt normal, it was something everyone could watch together and feel like it was last year again.
As we slog through the monotony of the repetition of days, we should remind ourselves that today is indeed Friday. Friday’s if you can remember used to be days we looked forward to. They were the days that led us into our weekends. Studies have shown that a positive mental attitude leads to better overall health, therefore we should appreciate our weekends like we have places to go and things to do, even though we may not. Take the time over the weekend to video conference a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while or catch up with family. Take the time to savor human connections that may have been missing while we worry about our day to day lives. Take the opportunity to find resources to entertain and engage positive behaviors like yoga or mental puzzles.
I wanted this blog to be lighthearted and easy to read to springboard us all into a wonderful weekend. Please stay safe, practice social distancing, and lets try to get into Governor Wolfe’s “Green Zone” so that we can all get back to the social activities we enjoy.
Below are some online resources for COVID-19 should you need them: