Did you know May is Correct Your Posture Month? Good posture is more than sitting correctly, standing up straight, keeping your shoulders back, it also involves how your body balances and how you move. People who work in the office usually demonstrate better posture while performing their work functions. Employees have the correct desk height, chair, and floor stance. While sitting is a common posture, modern society over emphasizes this position. The average office worker spends up to 15 hours a day seated. Sitting and standing with proper postural alignment allow people to work more efficiently with less fatigue and strain on their body’s ligaments and muscles.
Working from home we tend to be more relaxed, not only when we sit, but how we are dressed. We tend to dress more casual causing us to sit on one leg, slump and even slouch. People who are now forced to work from home during the pandemic, are using dining room tables as their new office space. When the working day is complete, we move to the sofa or a comfy chair to relax and unwind, only to sit for another couple of hours. Good posture comes with practice, here are 5 exercise movements that will help you perfect your posture.
- Do bridges to strengthen your lower back. Bridges work to strengthen your glutes and abs. This helps reduce straining your lower back.
- To reduce tension in your neck and head, try stretching your neck muscles with retracting exercises.
- To increase your energy level, try twisting your torso to activate your side abs. This helps make your muscles not have to work as hard when sitting for extended periods.
- Create less tension in your shoulders and neck. Look in the mirror and perform the neck stretch.
- Improve your breathing by doing lung compression exercises.
There are more exercises to improve your posture along with videos demonstrating these exercises at,
Poor posture can have long term effects on your health, comfort and even headaches. With practice, the correct posture for standing, sitting and lying down will gradually replace your old posture.