Government & Schools – PA School Districts
Consortium of school districts in Pennsylvania that group together to purchase fuel (gasoline and diesel) as well as other commodities.
With the introduction of B2 ULSD (an ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel with minimum 2% biodiesel as mandated by the state of PA) into the Pennsylvania market, several school districts were experiencing problems with operability of the newly introduced fuel.
Throughout the B2 implementation, we discovered various problems being experienced at some (but not all) of the school districts over the course of the year. We sent our Quality Assurance expert out to each site to talk to the maintenance group, look at filters, storage tanks and fueling depots and pull samples to identify the problem.
As we identified the particular problem with each entity (from water in tanks to filter problems to weather/temperature), we assisted each site in rectifying the problem and proactively shared our findings with other school districts in the consortium in an attempt to head off problems before they could occur. In some cases we worked closely with our fuel additive supplier to find solutions using various additives to resolve emergency situations.