Case Study

Integrated Fuel Management

Castelli Oil, a site water management company serving Pennsylvania and West Virginia, needed to better manage its over the road and bulk tank fueling program.


Castelli found that the combination of fueling over-the-road and at the bulk tank while managing multiple fuel vendors and systems was not an efficient method for running its business. “We were spending an average of $100,000 for diesel fuel per week. Our reporting from multiple vendors failed to supply a clear view of our driver transactions,” said Nancy Kubistek, accounts payable coordinator for Castelli Oil & Gas. This lack of transparency contributed to Castelli’s vulnerability to unauthorized fueling from both their bulk tank and over-the-road transactions.


Guttman Energy worked with Castelli to develop a plan to integrate all driver transactions through a single system. Guttman installed a fleet card reader at Castelli’s bulk tank facility. With drivers using the Guttman Fuelman Fleet Card at both the bulk tank and over-the-road fueling stations, a single weekly fuel management report could be created that showed a clear, comprehensive look at all the drivers’ fueling activities.