Case Study

Appalachia Energy Partners

Involved with Guttman Energy since 2020, this Pennsylvania-based company presents operations with logistical energy solutions including trucking, nitrogen services, hauling, and more. To provide the best service possible, they rely on Guttman Energy for over 1 million gallons/year at the best price possible.


This energy company struggled with reporting as well as issues with money. Their previous supplier would not come to a consensus about payment terms, and did not provide them with the most optimal savings possible when it came to buying products.


Our representative was able to show them that Guttman could offer better prices and discounts, as well as accessible sales reps and first-rate customer service. Upon seeing the savings and customer service they would gain, Appalachia Energy Partners quickly turned away from their old fuel card program in favor of Guttman’s Fleet Fuel Card and services.