Wienconsulting Inc.: A Fleet Fuel Card Case Study
Wienconsulting Inc. needed a fleet card that would be able to handle the very specific needs of a small business in the transportation industry. Specializing in over-the-road trucking, finding a provider able to meet the Illinois-based company’s unique demands was a challenge. Before consulting with Guttman Energy, their fleet manager was convinced they wouldn’t be able to get the fuel card plan they needed. Guttman Energy helped them to realize when it comes to fueling their fleet, they didn’t have to settle.
Searching For Fleet Fueling Solutions
When a company’s business model centers around multiple trucks making long drives, excess fees at the pump and inefficient fuel card service can seriously add up. Realizing this, as Wienconsulting Inc. began to grow, a more cost-effective fuel card plan was necessary. However, after a brief search through big bank fuel cards, their fleet manager was convinced the company would never get approved for a card that had the benefits Wienconsulting Inc. needed. Therefore, they settled for a competitor’s fuel card, which was constantly hitting the company with hidden fees.
A Fuel Card That Caters to Small Businesses
Guttman Energy reached out to Wienconsulting Inc. after learning about the company’s needs through a mutual connection. We explained that unlike big bank fuel cards, we are used to working with small businesses, so our criteria to open an account is more attainable for businesses like Wienconsulting Inc. After comparing Guttman Energy’s no-fee fueling policy to Wienconsulting Inc.’s current fuel card charges, the hauler could see clearly that improving its fleet fueling processes meant switching to Guttman Energy.
Now, Wienconsulting Inc. pays less at the pump to fuel their growing fleet. Every over-the-road trip with the Guttman Energy Fleet Fuel Card is met with the best prices, no fees, and responsive customer service. With the best fleet fuel card benefits in the business, Wienconsulting Inc. knows Guttman Energy’s Fleet Fueling Solutions has their back for the long haul. For more information or to apply for a Guttman Energy Fleet Fuel Card today, give us a call at 724.489.5199.