Drivers moving goods from manufacturers to distributors and customers cover a lot of territory, requiring a lot of stops to refuel. The Guttman Energy Fleet Fuel Card’s scope of service fills the need for access, convenience, and ease of use, wherever those drivers may be.
Regardless of where drivers in a fleet need to travel, Guttman Energy’s card can get them the needed fuel to keep moving efficiently. This assurance eliminates concerns over how to pay, or where to stop, freeing drivers to fuel with no worries. Accepted at over 65k service stations nationwide, your drivers can rest assured that they have access to fuel nearby when their tanks start to run low.
Honoring the Guttman Energy Fleet Fuel Card benefits fuel providers, as well. When drivers know that they can access needed fuel sources without questions about payment or any other concerns, that increases traffic and revenue to the fueling station.
Simply put, when the Guttman Energy Fleet Fuel Card gets placed at the center of the fueling picture, all parties involved can enjoy tangible benefits. The customer achieves savings and ease of use, its drivers can fuel with confidence and peace of mind, and the fueling station sees higher volume of sales. Add on top that Guttman’s excellent customer service, designated account representatives and detailed reporting, and you’ve got yourself in a win-win situation.
Take advantage of this simple solution. Start saving your business time, money and energy today. Learn more about the Guttman Energy Fleet Fuel Card’s scope of service and how it can benefit your operations. Visit https://www.guttmanenergy.com/fleet-fuel-card/