Tri-Creek Forest Products LLC Logs Big Savings with Guttman Energy
Tri-Creek Forest Products LLC, a forestry company managing three logging crews and two wood yards in Alabama and Georgia, operates a fleet of 25 trucks, consuming 250,000 gallons of fuel annually. Despite their size and fuel needs, Tri-Creek relied on two fleet cards that offered minimal discounts and little cost-saving value. When approached in July 2024 by a Guttman Energy Fleet Solutions Representative, it was clear that Tri-Creek needed a more effective fuel management solution to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency.
A Trial That Proved the Value
To earn Tri-Creek’s trust, a Guttman Energy Representative suggested starting with a trial program using just five fleet fuel cards. Over the course of less than a month, Tri-Creek tested the Guttman Energy Fleet Fuel Card and quickly saw results. The trial demonstrated significant savings per gallon and provided a better customer service experience. Encouraged by the immediate benefits, Tri-Creek decided to fully integrate the program, equipping their entire fleet with Guttman Energy Fleet Fuel Cards.
Fueling Success with Every Gallon
Although new to the program, Tri-Creek Forest Products is already saving an average of $0.17 per gallon using the Guttman Energy Fleet Fuel Card. With a fleet of 25 trucks and substantial fuel usage, these savings are expected to make a significant impact on their bottom line over time. Beyond cost savings, Tri-Creek now benefits from dedicated customer service, ensuring their fuel needs are met quickly and efficiently. The partnership with Guttman Energy Fleet Solutions has set them on a path to long-term savings and smoother operations.