How Climate Change Is Affecting Businesses
The effects of climate change are all around us. Greenhouse gases—emissions released by the burning of fuels like gasoline and diesel—are building up in our atmosphere. This build-up makes it harder for excess heat to escape our planet. These gasses are warming the earth and creating harmful changes to our climate, like severe weather, rising sea levels, and droughts.
Essential industries generate a large number of emissions. Specifically, the transportation sector is responsible for the largest portion of total greenhouse gas emissions in the US—representing 27% of all emissions.The prevalence of the effects of climate change and the role that essential industries play has changed the way consumers view the world, which in turn is driving businesses to think differently about how operate.
Building a climate-friendly company is no longer just a market differentiator—it has become a core consideration for many businesses, particularly those in high-emissions industries. With a growing number of tools at their disposal, many of these businesses have made shifts toward environmentally friendly businesses practices, embraced renewables, and are utilizing carbon offsets to make up for the emissions they cannot totally eliminate.

This trend shows us that now more than ever, companies are seeing the business case for reducing their carbon footprint and doing their part to control their greenhouses gasses to help lessen the effects of climate change.
How Can You Take Action?
The best way to start on your journey of becoming carbon neutral and a climate-friendly company, is by gaining an understanding of what solutions are available, finding the right fit for your business, and making a plan with attainable goals.
Guttman Renewables can help by walking you through your options for renewable fuels and carbon offsets. If you’re interested in offsetting your emissions, our process is hassle free. We work with you to quantify the emissions you’d like to offset, and then calculate just how many offsets you’ll need. We source offsets from registered projects and handle all of the purchase and retirement steps.
Using carbon offsets is a great way to make an impact now and demonstrate your commitment to building a more climate friendly business. To learn more about Our Carbon Offsets program, get in touch today to schedule a call with a Guttman Renewables expert at 724.489.5199.