The Benefits of Guttman Renewables’ Biofuel Products

Marketed as the environmentally friendly alternative to petroleum diesel, Guttman Renewables offers biodiesel products for bulk purchase to its customers. However, before you buy, let us break down just why this diesel fuel alternative continues to grow in popularity. Not only is biodiesel more environmentally conscious, but opting for this product boosts the economy as well. Join us as we break down what makes biodiesel the best.
Compared to its 100% diesel counterpart, biodiesel fuel emits 11% less carbon monoxide and 10% less particulate matter. A study done by the Department of Energy even found biodiesel reduces net carbon dioxide emissions by 78%. Along with other types of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, air quality improves significantly with the use of renewable power, creating a stronger, healthier environment.
Along with less emissions from vehicles, biodiesel also releases significantly less emissions during the refining process compared to diesel, since it’s mixed with natural products during this process. Plus, since it’s derived from soybeans, biodiesel itself is also made with natural resources, and therefore is, in part, renewable. If biodiesel were to ever leak, then the effects of this biodegradable mixture on the environment would be a lot less disastrous than the effects of the chemicals found in pure petroleum diesel.
Biodiesel doesn’t just improve the environment—it improves the health of vehicles, too. It increases fuel lubricity—that is, the fuel moves through parts of the engine with less resistance. This helps to keep the parts from wearing prematurely, saving on maintenance costs. Plus, vehicles running on biodiesel achieve a 30% better fuel economy than petroleum-based diesel engines. Biodiesel can seriously benefit drivers in terms of saving money and improving the efficiency of vehicles, with no added tradeoffs against the environment.
When it comes to the United States economy, the production of biodiesel has led to some very positive side effects. The consumption of biodiesel supports local economies, as it can be produced domestically with the use of the right crops. Producing these crops has led to a boom in agriculture, which supports not only farms but local economies in general. In terms of our nation, the growing demand in biofuel signals a decrease in dependence on foreign oil.
Whether you’re looking to decrease your carbon footprint, meet government regulations, curb global warming or just try something new with clean energy, Guttman Renewables offers renewable products that help businesses reach their unique goals. Learn more by visiting